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WFDA are currently running online literacy classes, most classes take place every Monday during school term time from 4.20pm. There are some classes that take place on other days, but this depends on the arrangements made with the tutor.
WFDA are also running in person Numeracy classes based in Higham’s Park and two in person Touch-Typing classes. All our classes are specifically designed to support children and young people who are dyslexic, age range 6 to 16 years. Priority is given to residents/pupils within the London Borough of Waltham Forest, but we do allow children outside of the borough to attend classes too – please also refer to our policies on our website.
We run the following classes:
Online Literacy Classes are:
Online Literacy Classes are:
- Small, individualized support classes (2 x students per 1 specialist tutor)
- 50-minute classes.
- Take place at the following times 4.20pm, 5.20pm and 6.20pm.
- £17.00 per class – term time only, fees are paid half termly in advanced.
- For primary & secondary school age, dyslexic students.
- Students are taught in pairs with similar needs.
Held on Monday evenings (term time only).
There is an initial 6 week class assessment subject to the tutor’s decision on the student joining the class.
In person Numeracy Classes are:
- Small, individualized support classes (2 x students per 1 specialist tutor).
- 50-minute classes.
- Take place in a Highams Park location, after school on Wednesday. Time to be arranged with tutor.
- £17.00 per class – term time only, fees are paid half termly in advanced.
- For primary & secondary school age, dyslexic students.
- Students are taught in pairs with similar needs.
Held on Wednesday after school (term time only).
There is an initial 6 week class assessment subject to the tutor’s decision on the student joining the class.
Touch-Typing Classes.
Ages from 7 years – 16 years.
We run touch-typing classes for dyslexic people and anyone with writing difficulties.
- Small group of up to 12 x students maximum. Children do not need to be dyslexic to attend or benefit from touch typing classes.
- 50-minute classes.
- Cost £8.00 per session.
- In person touch typing classes take place during term time at two separate locations on different days as follows:
- Tuesdays during term time at Henry Maynard Primary School (Infant Site), Maynard Road E17 9JE from 4.20 pm – 5.10pm and on
- Thursdays during term time at Walthamstow School for Girls, Church Hill E17 9RZ from 4.10pm – 5pm.
Please note: There is no parking or waiting area / reception at either school. Children can be dropped off at the entrance of the school and collected once the lessons have finished. Parking on the roads near each school is, however, an option but please do check for any permit signs before parking.
Benefits of joining our touch-typing class
- Your writing is easier to read.
- Properly learnt typing can be faster than handwriting.
- Your hand/arm won’t get so tired. Typing is usually much less stressful.
- Spelling patterns can be easier to learn. Confusions such as b/d and u/n are removed since it’s the learnt position of the letters that is used, not their orientation.
- It’s easier to construct sentences correctly when the speed of writing is closer to the speed of thinking.
- Many people with writing and/or spelling difficulties find typing much easier than handwriting. Exams such as SATs, GCSEs, and degrees can often be typed rather than hand-written.
Attending 2 x WFDA classes:
Literacy and Touch – Typing combination:
- You may wish for your child to attend both literacy or numeracy classes along with the WFDA touch typing classes, the cost of doing either literacy or numeracy with touch typing is £22.00.
- The cost of doing both a Numeracy Class followed by Literacy class or vice versa is £32.00.
Click for the dates for Academic Year 2024-2025.
Venue for classes.
WFDA Literacy Classes all take place online.
WFDA Numeracy Classes are in person and take place in Highams Park area.
WFDA Touch Typing Classes take place in person at two separate locations on different days as follows:
- Tuesdays during term time at Henry Maynard Primary School (infant site), Maynard Road E17 9JE from 4.20pm – 5.10pm and on
- Thursdays during term time at Walthamstow School for Girls, Church Hill E17 9RZ from 4.10pm – 5.00pm.
How to book classes.
Payment of classes.
Invoices will be sent by email in the last week of the previous half-term and all fees should be paid by the first date of the new half term, unless otherwise agreed by the Children’s Programme Manager. Please note that Parents/carers of students are liable for fees for all classes, regardless of attendance, if your child is unable to attend a class, WFDA will still require the class fees to be paid.
Payment can be made using one of the following methods:
BACS payment may be made to the association’s bank account Sort code: 40-52-40 Account number: 00011569. Please quote the name of your child for reference.
A reduced class fee is offered if a child attends more than one class.
To be put on the Waiting List please contact WFDA’s Children’s Co-ordinator, Sheena Penfold, with the following information:
- Child’s full Name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Age
- Address
- Name of School
- Current School Year
- Name of Parent/Carer
- Contact details of Parent/Carer mobile, email address
- Please tell us if your child has been screened or assessed for Dyslexia, the date when this took place and the organisation that conducted the screening or assessment. (This information is not necessary for Touch typing classes).
Cancellations and attendance.
If we have to cancel a class we’ll refund you the cost. But regrettably, if you have to cancel we’ll still have to charge you, as the teacher will still need to be paid.
If you do have to cancel please let the class tutor know as soon as possible. Please make sure you get the tutor’s contact details. All our teaching staff work hard to produce well thought out lesson plans specific to their individual students. Pupils’ non attendance means time spent by the teachers is wasted and students are not able to maintain the appropriate progress that is needed to achieve their full potential.
It is important that your child attends regularly in order to make progress. If you are experiencing difficulties with coming, please phone us or talk to Karen as soon as possible.
We have a long waiting list, so if your child does start to miss classes we may need to offer the place to someone else, who is able to make better use of it.
If attendance at the classes falls below 75% over the term your child may lose his/her place in the group.
As we do have a long waiting list, WFDA are not able to offer class places on an open ended basis. Support is restricted to a maximum of two years; total support for literacy or numeracy classes, not per subject. This does not include our handwriting or touch typing classes. We have introduced this policy to try and be as fair as possible to all those families supporting a child with dyslexia. Our aim is to help the child and family develop strategies to cope with dyslexia; becoming independent learners. We should then be able to offer support to more families.
Literacy, numeracy and handwriting classes – £17 per lesson
Touch typing – £8 per lesson
Combined literacy, numeracy or handwriting with typing – £22 per the two classes. Combined literacy and numeracy is £32.00.
Sibling rate – if a sibling of a child already attending classes start class they receive a deduction of £1.00 e.g. Touch typing would be £7.00, Literacy or Numeracy would be £16.00.
What to bring to Literacy or Numeracy classes.
At the first Literacy or Numeracy class please can you bring or share any dyslexia information you hold about your child including a screening assessment (if you hold one) as this will give the teacher an insight into how they can support your child.
Your child’s progress.
All children attending WFDA Literacy or Numeracy classes will have an Individual Learning Plan which the tutor will review termly with your child. This helps both tutor and child to monitor progress. The lessons are 50 minutes long, to allow a few minutes at the beginning and end to talk to your child’s tutor. Please ask a week in advance if you need a longer discussion or a written report.
From time to time we will also ask for your feedback. This helps us plan the classes, as well as providing information for our funders. You are also welcome to give feedback at any time!
Membership of the Waltham Forest Dyslexia Association (WFDA).
WFDA is a charity run by local people. We rely on grants, donations and fees to run these classes.
As parents and carers of children who attend our classes we feel that it is important for you to join the Association and have the opportunity to help in the running of the activities, as well as adding your voice to the recognition and support needed for dyslexia. For more details about membership of WFDA click here.